Pradžia Filmai Serialai Animacija Kontaktai
» Sarah T. Cohen


[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] After being horrendously embarrassed by the mean girls at school, Faye, a practicing witch, summons the evil Cupid to take revenge on all those who wronged her. On Valentine's Day Cupid does in fact rise and will stop at nothing until all are punished. The students must figure out a way to stop
Metai: 2020
Žanras: Siaubo
Režisierius: Scott Jeffrey [xfvalue_writers]

Vikingų karai

The Viking War
[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] Ingrid and her siblings are on the run from the Beserkers who have begun invading the villages, taking over, savagely using the residents on a game where they vs a Beserker, and if they win, they get to survive - only, no one ever wins. The siblings are trying to escape the Beserkers after they
Metai: 2019
Žanras: Istorinis
Režisierius: Louisa Warren [xfvalue_writers]