Įvykus žmogžudystei skambinkite M
Dial M for Murder
[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] Stilingas ir elegantiškas Alfredo Hitchcocko trileris su Grace Kelly, Ray Millandu ir Robertu Cummingsu pagrindiniuose vaidmenyse. Grace Kelly myli Cummingsą, jos vyras Millandas sumano ją nužudyti. Kai žmogžudystė nepavyksta, Millandas tobulai improvizuoja planą B.
Metai: 1954
Režisierius: Alfred Hitchcock [xfvalue_writers]
Aktoriai: Ray Milland, Grace Kelly, Robert Cummings, John Williams, Anthony Dawson, Leo Britt, Patrick Allen, George Leigh, George Alderson, Robin Hughes
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Jūros vilkai
The Sea Wolves
[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] During World War II, the British must attack a German ship, but it's safe in neutral Goa. As a result, they send civilians: former soldiers who are about sixty years old.
Metai: 1980
Režisierius: Andrew V. McLaglen [xfvalue_writers]
Aktoriai: Gregory Peck, Roger Moore, David Niven, Trevor Howard, Barbara Kellerman, Patrick Macnee, Kenneth Griffith, Patrick Allen, Wolf Kahler, Robert Hoffmann
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