Pradžia Filmai Serialai Animacija Kontaktai
» Kristen Johnston


[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] „Palikti“ – tai vesternas apie vienišą šaulį, bandantį susilaikyti nuo smurto, kad nenuviltų savo pamokslininko tėvo. Šiuose vaidmenyse sutinkame pirmą kartą drauge nusifilmavusius Kieferį ir Donaldą Sutherlandus. 1872-ieji, Vajomingas. Valūro miestelio žmones negailestingai puola nekilnojamojo
Metai: 2015
Režisierius: Jon Cassar [xfvalue_writers]

Tikri žmonės 1 sezonas

Real Humans season 1
[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] In a parallel present the artificial human has come into its own. Robots no longer have anything robot-like about them. New technology and advancements in the field of science have made it possible to manufacture a product - a kind of mechanized servant - that is so similar to a real human that it
Metai: 2012
Režisierius: Lars Lundström [xfvalue_writers]

Kovų sezonas 1 sezonas

Fighting Season season 1
[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] The story is a six-part event drama that surrounds the invisible men and women who fight for their country (Australia), what they bring home from the war, discovering what of themselves they've left behind, the secrets that must remain hidden; With a compelling mystery regarding a possible cover-up
Metai: 2018
Žanras: Drama
Režisierius: Blake Ayshford [xfvalue_writers]