Šėtoniškas bunkeris 2. Užtemimas
Outpost: Black Sun
[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] The year is 1945, the closing stages of WW2, and a German scientist by the name of Klausener is working on a frightening new technology that has the power to create an immortal Nazi army. Flash forward to present day, and a NATO task force is hurriedly deployed to Eastern Europe, where a sinister
Metai: 2012
Režisierius: Steve Barker [xfvalue_writers]
Aktoriai: Catherine Steadman, Richard Coyle, Ali Craig, Nick Nevern, Daniel Caltagirone, Gary McDonald, Johnny Meres, Julian Wadham, Michael Byrne, Martin Bell
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Tikras Kraujas (4 sezonas)
True Blood (season 4)
[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] Sukė Stekhaus yra baro kokteilių padavėja mažame Luizianos miestelyje. Kol vieną dieną pasirodo jos svajonių vampyras, o bendradarbė paslaptingai dingsta… Galbūt draugauti su vaikinu vampyru nėra jau tokia gera mintis?
Metai: 2011
Režisierius: Alan Ball [xfvalue_writers]
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What Men Want
What Men Want
[xfgiven_story][xfvalue_story limit="300"][/xfgiven_story] A woman is boxed out by the male sports agents in her profession, but gains an unexpected edge over them when she develops the ability to hear men's thoughts.
Metai: 2019
Režisierius: Adam Shankman [xfvalue_writers]
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